Thursday, August 6, 2009

Robert Pattinson who?

Oh. Em. Gee.
Xavier Samuel you are hot? Well this is a pleasant surprise. But I think calling you hot is putting it lightly... now to break it down..

Lets start with that smile... you almost put my Dave Franco(below) to shame... (almost)

Ok and the hair... 100% beat out RPatz on that one. I know everyone is always all about the RPatz hair... but really it usually just looks dirty. Xam on the other hand... RPatz should take a lesson from you.

Oh and then that almost Zefron style.. only a little more rugged. Um and a GUITAR! still my heart if you can sing....! In conclusion let me just say that on top of all this you are 25 but don't look it. Could you be my perfect man? Still not convinced he's a step above RPatz or Zefron? Oh fine i will let you all in on a little tid bit that will seal the deal. Yes ladies and (some) gentlemen, he's a Kiwi.. with a beautifully heart stopping Australian accent! Done and done.

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